Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: Tis sad to see/ How Cabined, Cribbed, Confined/ the Maories who in Rangiriri’s pits/ So stoutly held their ground/ Now fret in vain; verso: 37; inscribed on original mount: H.M.S. Esk, Hulk with Maories [sic] who were…
Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: How Otago is being settled; through image in pencil: Ye diggers cutting away, Ye bullocks charging them, Ye squatters flourishing stock whip; margin left in pencil: 12; margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: A…
Verso in ink: W. Fox. House at the Haven Nelson, formerly Cap.n Wakefields; in pencil 23; on sketchbook mount in ink: House of late Capt. Arthur Wakefield R.N. Nelson 1843. (Brought out from England); on flypage of sketchbook in ink: Thomas Morland…