Margin below image in iron gall ink: I’m not sure if Ngaruawahia be not the dullest place I know in wet weather, but let the sun shine and Hey Presto! [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 41.
Lower left (l.l.) - l.r. in pencil: The General’s whare, Ngaruawahia from opposite bank of Waikato, King’s Palace. Council Chamber, King’s flag; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page…
Margin below image in iron gall ink: Ngaruawahia from a few miles distance. [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 43; verso on other half of folded page: [78/143].
Margin below image in pencil: Ngahinapouri on the Waipa; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; l.r. in pencil: 85; watermark: [crown & anchor].
Printed key: Mount Hobson. Mount Eden, the land for miles round these two mountains have been purchased by Europeans from the Natives and being excellent soil it promises to be covered with farms in twelve or eighteen months. Captain Scotts farm. The…