Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: 23 June; verso a: [watercolour sketch of the Sugar Loaves 75/163 ai]; verso b: [watercolour sketch 75/163 bi titled:] Henoi Bridge, Taranaki 23 June
On sketchbook mount in indian ink superimposed over iron gall ink: The Sugar Loaves near Taranaki 1856 Marsland Hill. S. Mary’s Church. Paritutu. Mikotahi. Moturoa & Motumahanga; labels in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Sir WM Fox. New Plymouth; on…
Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: T.G. May 1848; on mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: New Plymouth. The old N.Z. Co’s office, Courtenay S.t, brought out from England in 1840 - afterwards the Land & Survey office. Pukaka Pa (Marsland Hill) is shown to…
Verso in pencil: New Plymouth 1849. 3 44 [(a)] 3 [(b), framing instructions (d)]; labels in ink in Dr Hocken's hand: New Plymouth in 1849. Sir Wm Fox. Marsland Hill, on top of which were the ruins of a strong Maori Pah called Pukaka. In 1855 in…
Margin below image in ink: 1. Kauau Pa. 2. Patuha Range. 3. St Maryís School Room. 4. Hotel - Marsland Hill - 5. Clockey Woodís. 6. John Gilmourís store. 7. Yemís Store - Brougham Street. 8. Ryanís store. [ditto marks] 9. W. Blackís and co.…
Lower right (l.r.) in cartouche with pen: WFox [WF ligated] May 1849; l.l. with pen: Cap.n King’s house New Plymouth; on sketchbook mount: New Plymouth, Cap.n King’s house Mount Egmont 1849; pasted to back of paper mount: [2 woodengravings after…