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An early advertisement for the Speight’s Brewery in Dunedin printed in the Capping Carnival Magazine from August 1919. The consumption of vast quantities of beer has always been an activity associated with student life.

Lower right (l.r.) with brush in red paint: G.P. [ligated, vertical] Nerli; label: St Clair Beach, Dunedin, N.Z. [undated press clipping about Nerli]; label: Fisher & Son, Christchurch; label: 146

A photograph of the seven Arts Faculty staff of 1922-23 standing outside the Clocktower Building. Left to Right: Isobel Sutherland, person unknown, Joyce Moody, J. Hall, K.C. Robertson, Madge Turnbull.

Students and staff on the stairwell in the University of Otago Central Library.

Houston describes himself as 'an intelligent member of the Otago Provincial Council viz A miners representative & practical digger & storekeeper at Gabriel's Gully'

Lower right (l.r.) with brush: W. Handcock S.R.A.; on original mount in pencil: The Ocean Beach, Dunedin.

"[Field's] ideas on painting had been influenced by the Post-Impressionists to the extent of allowing heightened colour and a degree of flattening and formal interest in the constructin of the imagery. Anywhere else Field would not have seemed…

Painting of Stevenson’s dredge reclaiming the Dunedin foreshore, 1868. Logan Point in background.

Lower left (l.l.) with brush: J.T.T. 1877; on mount in pencil: Tripped in an earth crack, Waikari. July

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: Unbending, from public cares, on public grounds; u.c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Mr James Howorth, the lawyer & Crown prosecutor and Mr Alexander Rennie the tailor, teetotaller, and Provincial Councillor in the old…

A photograph of the ten students who graduated from the University of Otago in 1887. Standing: M.I. Fraser, G.A. Simers, M.A. Ferguson, W.E. Spencer. Sitting: J.R. Montgomery, F.M. Allen, X. Forbes, F.B. Allen, J.R. Don, C. Little.

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: RTR [monogram, first R reversed]; l.r. in pencil: TR Redmayne Aug 1864; margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: View of Dunedin &c. from the Anderson’s Bay Road T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand:…

Margin below image in ink: Otago Witness Office, 1851, Bond St, being W.H. Cuttenís store on the presnt site of the back portion of MacKerras & Hazlettís Store. Adjoining is part of Mr Parkís (NZ Co Surveyor) house, near Liverpool St. Enlarged by…

Margin below image in pencil: Geo.B. Shaw; margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand superimposed over pencil: View of Dunedin from Church Hill, looking towards Ocean Beach, November 1851.

Lower left (l.l.) with brush: View of Otago Heads, Port Chalmers, Mount Cargill & Blueskin from the Portobello Road - six miles from Dunedin, sketched from nature by George O’Brien, Civil Engineer &c 1866

Lower left (l.l.) with brush: After G.B. Shaw 1851; on original mount in ink (in Dr Hocken’ hand: View of part of Dunedin from Stafford St with the upper harbour November 1851 by Geo B. Shaw copied from the original in the possession of Gilbert…

Lower left (l.l.) - l.r. in ink: Back of Cap Cargillís old house in Princes St to which Otago Witness office was removed in 1861 & where first number of Daily Times was printed. Looking across to Waverley, section at back occupied in the sixties by…

Margin below image in ink: T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki; Dr Hocken’s collector’s chop: Hoc in Loco Deus Rupes.
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