Dying of the Light




Hal Salive Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection, University of Otago Library Special Collections. Every effort has been made to trace copyright ownership and to obtain permission for reproduction. If you believe you are the copyright owner of an item on this site, and we have not requested your permission, please contact us at special.collections@otago.ac.nz


New York: Pocket Books


‘Do not go gentle into that good night./Rage, rage against the dying of the light.’ These are the last two lines of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas’s poem, Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night (1951) and the inspiration for the title of George R. R. Martin’s Dying of the Light. Dirk t’Larien, the main character, lives on the rogue planet Worlorn which is heading into the darker reaches of space – ‘the dying light’ – and, it seems, certain doom. The cover artist for this publication is unknown.


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George R. R. Martin, “Dying of the Light,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 18, 2025, https://ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/9211.