Enarrationes in Epistolas S. Pauli
25th January, 1477
Shoults Itc 1477 T
H 1902*; BMC IV 25; Goff T156 ; Kaplan 455; ISTC it00156000
Rome: Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus) Ulrich Han (fl.1467-78) left his native Ingolstadt for Vienna, where, in 1462, he became the first printer. He was a citizen of Vienna and was known as 'Barbatus'. He then went to Rome. From his press came what is claimed to be the first book in Italy illustrated by woodcuts, the Meditationes vitae Christi by Cardinal Turrecremata (1467), and c.1468, Bonaventura's Legenda maior S. Francisci, the first book printed in the Italian language. He had Simon Nicolai Chardella as a partner between 1471 and 1474.
Quarter bound calf with marbled boards; both detached. Spine reads: Theophyl./ In/ D. Paulii Epp. Title on fore-edge.
Fore-edge, binding, first page of text in OU copy, last page and colophon, detail of colophon. 'Very early printing very rare in 1477' on preliminary page.
A commentary on the epistles of St Paul, erroneously attributed here to St. Athanasius; most probably by Theophylact (c, 1055-1107), Archbishop of Ohrid (Macedonia).
Paper. [278] leaves; 320 x 225 mm. (fol.)
Roman type.
Large rips through first 50 pages.
Library copy incomplete: wants first 10 leaves.
Begins: 'iudeos auctoritas patefacit...'
F.277a Colophon: F. Cristoforus de persona Romanus prior sancte Balbine de Vrbe: traduxit Anno domini M.cccc.lxix ... per ... Vdalricum Gallum alias Han Alamanum ex Ingelstat ... Rome impressum Anno in carnationis dominice Mcccclxxvii die uero xxv mensis Januarii Sedente sixto divina providentia papa.iiii.
F.277b: D Romanos ex Corintho...
F. 278a [end of text]: tanta posset moles imponi.
F. 278b: Primum uacat...
Rubricated throughout.
Roman type.
Large rips through first 50 pages.
Library copy incomplete: wants first 10 leaves.
Begins: 'iudeos auctoritas patefacit...'
F.277a Colophon: F. Cristoforus de persona Romanus prior sancte Balbine de Vrbe: traduxit Anno domini M.cccc.lxix ... per ... Vdalricum Gallum alias Han Alamanum ex Ingelstat ... Rome impressum Anno in carnationis dominice Mcccclxxvii die uero xxv mensis Januarii Sedente sixto divina providentia papa.iiii.
F.277b: D Romanos ex Corintho...
F. 278a [end of text]: tanta posset moles imponi.
F. 278b: Primum uacat...
Rubricated throughout.
1. T. Kershaw, 1811
2. Canon William Ardene Shoults
3. Selwyn College; Otago University Library
2. Canon William Ardene Shoults
3. Selwyn College; Otago University Library
Theophylactus (Translated by Christophorus de Persona), “Enarrationes in Epistolas S. Pauli,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/6363.