Geographia, libri XVI (De Situ Orbis)
28th January, 1494/5
de Beer Itc 1494 S
HC 5661*; BMC V, 418; Goff S798; Kaplan 446; ISTC is00798000
{Venice]: Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis
Prior to his residency in Venice, Joannes (Rubeus) Vercellensis was active in Treviso, 1480 to 1485. The Josephus of 23 October 1486 was the first of his many books printed in Venice.
Prior to his residency in Venice, Joannes (Rubeus) Vercellensis was active in Treviso, 1480 to 1485. The Josephus of 23 October 1486 was the first of his many books printed in Venice.
Quarter bound modern calf over mottled paper boards. Spine title reads: Strabo/ De/ Situ/ Orbis.
Title-page, tabula (f.2a) and provenance inscription, first page of text proper, colophon, detail of provenance inscription.
'A geographical encyclopaedia written for the information of government officials and travellers and containing much regarding the customs and usages of various countries that is of technological interest. For instance, it describes the marble quarries of Carrara, the mining of vermilion in Spain, and the use of rock salt deposits there. It mentions the raising of the water by means of Archimedean screws. It describes the use of asphalt for building-blocks and in liquid form as a water-proofing agent - a product made from a bitumen seepage in Babylonia. It speaks of trade in bitumen, a product of the petroleum family, and discusses dyes, use of pitch in sealing the cracks in Celtic beer barrels, and the fact that Spanish wine will keep.' (Stillwell, The Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing 1450-1550). This is Strabo's classic work on geography; the first ten books translated by Guarino Veronese, the remainder by Gregorio Tiferante. Edited by Antonio Mancinelli. This second Vercellensis edition (with the Latin verses replacing the second title) was possibly purchased by de Beer for £25 from Maggs catalogue 517, no.403 (unsighted). The first Venice edition (Goff S797) was printed in April 1494.
Paper. [16], 150 leaves; 320 x 205 mm (fol.).
Roman type.
F.1a: title-page: Strabo De Situ Orbis.
F.2a: Tabula
F.17a: Christopher Nigri Carmen ad Io. Franciscum...
F.166a Colophon: Strabonis Amasini Scriptoris illustris geographiae opus finit: Qd. Ioanes Vercellesis ppria ipesa uiuetibus posterisque exactissima diligetia imprimi curauit. Anno. Sal. M.cccclxxxxiiii. die xxviii. Ianuarii.
Imprint from Goff, who gives title: Geographia.
Leaves cv-cvi duplicated.
Roman type.
F.1a: title-page: Strabo De Situ Orbis.
F.2a: Tabula
F.17a: Christopher Nigri Carmen ad Io. Franciscum...
F.166a Colophon: Strabonis Amasini Scriptoris illustris geographiae opus finit: Qd. Ioanes Vercellesis ppria ipesa uiuetibus posterisque exactissima diligetia imprimi curauit. Anno. Sal. M.cccclxxxxiiii. die xxviii. Ianuarii.
Imprint from Goff, who gives title: Geographia.
Leaves cv-cvi duplicated.
1. Benedictine monastery at Wiblingen, near Ulm (Baden-Württemberg)
2. Esmond de Beer
3. Otago University Library
2. Esmond de Beer
3. Otago University Library
Strabo (Translated by Guarinus Veronensis and Gregorius Tiphernas; edited by Antonius Mancinellus), “Geographia, libri XVI (De Situ Orbis),” | OUR Heritage, accessed March 14, 2025,