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Cab 11-0001.jpg

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Cab 11 Noble cover.jpg


Cab 10-0003.jpg


Cab 11-0002.jpg


Baccala Fiorentina.jpg

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Torta Di Ricotta.jpg

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Spaghetti Finocchio Siciliana.jpg

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Ossi Buchi Milanese.jpg

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Cab 5-0002.jpg

Cab 2-0003.jpg

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Cicero foam board only.jpg

Vellum over boards. Spine title reads: Annaei Lucani/ Pharsaliae/ Ediz. Venezia/ 1486.

Cabinet18 Proust M-0001.jpg

Large foam 600x800 Coco-0001..jpg

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In 1848 Walter Baldock Durrant Mantell was appointed to the office of commissioner for extinguishing native titles in the South Island. Mantell used this collection of cardboard labels to represent the inter-relationships of the hapu of the Otago…

The Greek temples at Paestum in southern Italy were almost unknown until the 1750s. They became better known through publication. This book by Thomas Major was one of the first that enabled architects of Northern and Western Europe to study the three…

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