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Upper right (u.r.) in pencil: Hotere

Margin below image r. in ballpoint pen: Drawing for Black Paintings Hotere ’69.

Margin below image r. in ballpoint pen: Drawing for Black Paintings Hotere’69.

Margin below image l.r. in pencil: Hotere ’69.

Margin below image right in ballpoint pen: Hotere ’69; verso: [pencil drawing of profile scored out in ballpoint pen and second smaller version alongside]; u.l. in ballpoint pen: With love from Warren & Kere.

Lower right (l.r.) in ink: M.T. Woollaston; verso in pencil: Deci at paino [sic] in shirt sleeves [sketch of head]

inverted lower left with brush: McCahon; upper centre with brush: Peer Gynt; lower centre with brush: by Henrik Ibsen; verso: [pencil & watercolour landscape sketch]

Upper centre with brush: Peer Gynt; lower centre with brush: by Henrik Ibsen.

Inverted lower right with brush: McCahon; upper centre with brush: Peer Gynt; lower centre with brush: by Henrik Ibsen.

Margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken's hand: City of Wellington, New Zealand. W. Richardson lith from a sketch by L. Nattrass. Published for the proprietor at Huggins' Marine Mart 105 Leadenhall St London. Printed by Dean and Munday Threadneedle St…

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese workmen; through image in ink: Carpenters, beating our a piece of iron, carving a small piece of wood, Chinese coolies

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese stonecutters; through image in ink: Chinese stonecutters Kay Tribe. Plate II 2. 1 2 Chinese stone breakers. Kay Tribe 3 4 5 Tool menders of Kay Tribe 6 7 8 Tool menders of the Aya Tribe 9

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese stonecutters; through image in ink: Chinese stonecutters Kay Tribe. Plate I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese artificers; through image in ink: planing, chipping, chipping, sawing, sawing, driving home a nail, boring a hole, marking a straight line, sawing a small piece of wood, sawing a large block of…

Margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Captain Billy Williams, an old whaler of Preservation Inlet in 1827. Died in Dunedin leaving a son, Peter W. & daughter married to W.H.S. Roberts of Oamaru; verso in ink [section of book-keeping book].

Upper right (u.r.) in pencil: 13; on original mount in ink: Reproduced from a sketch painted in 1853-54 by Capt.n the Hon.ble E.H.W. Bellairs by T.W. Eyton; on original mount (in Dr Hocken’s hand: Cap. Bellair’s house at corner of Frederick &…

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 13.10.62; l.r. in ink: Mountford Tosswill Woollaston [monogram]; verso in fountain pen: 62/169

Sketch made 12/7/38 age 17 in Batavia Roads of Bamborough Castle.

Lower centre (l.c.) in ink in Dr Hocken's hand: Auckland from the west side of Commercial Bay, 12th February 1844; through image in ink: [numerals] 1. Queen Street 2. Shortland Crescent 3. Conroy- solicitor 4. Broadbent 5. Cormack- watchmaker &…

Verso in pencil in Kennedy’s or Brasch’s hand: M.T. Woollaston, Artist’s daughter, Anna Woollaston 1948

Verso in ink: [study of head, A 154a]; verso in pencil in Kennedy’s or Brasch’s hand: M.T. Woollaston, Anna Woollaston 1944

Lower right (l.r.) in fountain pen: Woollaston; verso in pencil: A. Prior, ca 1956

Margin below image l.r. in ballpoint pen: Drawing for Black painting, Hotere; verso: [pen & ink drawings crossed out].

Upper left (u.l.) - upper right (u.r.) in ink: A sketch of the Maoris’ position at Maungatautau on the Waikato River; l.l. in ink: the figures are supposed to be 1,000 yards from the main pah [location notes]; verso: [fragment of letter]
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