Browse Items (211 total)

"Of the Muscles of the Os Hyoides, or Bone of the Tongue.
Since the Os Hyoides is fastened to the Tongue and Larynx, the Muscles which move it ought to be esteemed common to both" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. X111).

"Of the Muscles of the Abdomen.
It being usual for the Contents of the lower Belly to putrefy and grow offensive sooner than any other Part of the Body, Anatomists for this Reason generally begin their Dissections with the Abdomen" (Cowper, 1724,…

"The Preface.
In the Contemplation of Nature we meet with nothing that affords us a more invincible Argument of the Wisdom of the Divine Architect, than the Structure and Composition of Animal Bodies; nor is this Infinite Understanding less…

"of the Muscles of the Arm, or Os Humeri.
Galen, Jacobus Sylvius, and Vesalius, describe seven Muscles belonging to each Arm, viz. Pectoralis, Deltoides, Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, and Subscapularis. Arantius, in…

"Of the Muscles of the Eye-Lids" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. VIII).

"Of the Muscles of the Bladder of Urine.
Galen and the ancient Anatomists take notice of but one Muscle belonging to this Part, viz. the Sphincter, but Fabricius ab Aquapendente mentions another, call'd by Spigelius, Detrusor Urinae, from its Use"…

"Of the Muscles of the Lower Jaw.
Five Pair of Muscles are employ'd in the Motion of the Lower Jaw: Four of which were described by Vesalius and the preceding Anatomists; but for the Discovery of the fifth we are obliged to Falloppius. To these…

"Of the Muscles of the Uvula.
Falloppius mentions the second and third of these Muscles among those of the Fauces; but Riolan first ascribed them to this Part, and call'd them Pterygostaphylinus Internus and Externus. The Discovery of the…

"Of the Muscles of the Tongue.
For the Motion of this Part, Authors assign various Numbers of Muscles; some reckoning eight, others nine, some ten, and others eleven, amongst which they count the Tongue it self" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XIV).

"Of the Muscles of the Auricula or Outward Ear.
Falloppius, the first Writer of these Muscles, informs us there are sometimes found three belonging to each Auricle; the First or Attollens, the Second or Deprimens, and the Third, which is part of the…

"Of the Muscles of the Testes.
Each Testicle is attended with one proper Muscle call'd Cremaster, to which Riolan adds another, and thinks it common to both, comprehending them in the manner of a Bag; but other Anatomists take it for a Membrane…

"Of the Muscles of the Leg" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXXIII).

"Of the Muscles of the Eye. ... the accurate Falloppius, who first observed the Trochlea, has given us the most exact Description of these Muscles of the Eye, as well as those of the Palpebrae" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. IX).

"Of the Muscles of the Thumb.
Authors disagree concerning the Number, Rise and Insertions of these Muscles; which may partly proceed from that great Variety to be observ'd in divers Subjects. As they have most commonly appeared to me, I shall…

"Of the Muscles of the Penis.
Anatomists generally describe two Pair of Muscles belonging to the Penis, viz. Acceleratores and Erectores. Besides these, we sometimes meet with a third Pair mentioned and figured by Stephen Riverius" (Cowper, 1724,…

"Introduction. Concerning the Muscles and their Action.
As all the Appearances of Nature furnish matter for Speculation worthy of a rational Mind; so those of the Animal OEconomy more particularly recommend themselves to our Consideration" (Cowper,…

Between 1630 and 1830 Japan's borders were virtually closed to western visitors. The only Europeans allowed into Japan were the Dutch. Atlas Japannensis: being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces…

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