Upper centre (u.c.) in pencil: Upper portion of Port Cooper from hills behind Rapaki. April 1844. Hills over which road might be formed to Great Plain. Gt plain; verso: [94/271]
Lower centre (l.c.) - l.r. in pencil: Mr Tucketts house Nelson Nov 9 1843; u.r. in pencil: 7; l.c. - l.r. in umber ink: Mr Tucketts house Nelson Nov 9 1843; verso in pencil: [unfinished sketch of tree]
Lower right (l.r.) of a in pencil: P.t of Queen Charlottes Sound (E side near bottom); u.r. of a in iron gall ink: Queen Ch…; verso a: [94/243]; l.l. on b in pencil: Ap.l 19 1843; u.l. of b in iron gall ink: …arlottes Sound April 19 1843; u.r. of…
Through image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: [numerals]; margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Port Hills, Worcester Stret, Oxford Terrace, Land Office Bridge, first bridge in Christchurch, Dr Barker’s house, known as the Black house,…
As this page vividly illustrates, Vesuvius continued to be quite active after Raymond's visit. Published in Naples for an English audience, this book represents the nineteenth-century traveller's increasingly scientific interests.