This small volume provides the practical details needed to navigate the new road systems. Cary's maps, with the colour-coded distinctions among roads, beautifully conveys the intricate networks of communication that increasingly encouraged local…
Verso u.r. in ink: 55; superimposed over pencil: 48; verso in pencil & watercolour: [unfinished sketch of Maoris with Mt Egmont in background inscribed] Rangi Teringa; on sketchbook mount in ink: Carved gateway. Pitoni, Wellington. 1850; on flypage…
On the retirement of Professors D. W. Carmalt Jones and Professor F. Fitchett, a sum of 300 pounds was collected by graduates of the Medical School to commemorate the services of these two eminent teachers. The graduates stated that the sum was to be…
A colour caricature by P. W. Eisdell Moore, depicting Professors from the School of Medicine. Left to right: Joseph Bernard Dawson, Eric F. D’Ath, Francis Gordon Bell, Charles Ernest Hercus, John Malcolm, William Percy Gowland, and Frederick Horace…
Margin below image in ink: Captain James Cook. Taken from a painting in the Trinity House, Hull; imprinted: Turner & Drinkwater, Regent’s Terrace, Hull; below plate marks in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: This was given to me on the understanding that…
(Autograph copy of parole on his release from 6 years captivity in the Isle of Mauritius). Port Napoleon, Isle de France, 7th June 1810 (Signed) Flinders. Litho-Photographed from the original miniature painted 1801, age 27. Published by…
Through image in pencil: The Spectator; through image in ink: 1. 2. 3.; margin above image in ink in Dr Hockenís hand: 1. Captain Cargill, 2. W.H. Cutten, his son-in-law.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: 11; l.c. in pencil: 11; u.c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: John de la Condamine Carnegie. 2. Captain Cargill. 3. W.B.D. Mantell. 4. Dr Williams. -1853.
Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: J. Brown, 18; l.c. in pencil: 10; on label in ink: Captain Cargill addresses a meeting. Napier is close to barrel. Buchanan, an elder, near him. Manning is at left
Margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Captain Billy Williams, an old whaler of Preservation Inlet in 1827. Died in Dunedin leaving a son, Peter W. & daughter married to W.H.S. Roberts of Oamaru; verso in ink [section of book-keeping book].
Upper right (u.r.) in pencil: 13; on original mount in ink: Reproduced from a sketch painted in 1853-54 by Capt.n the Hon.ble E.H.W. Bellairs by T.W. Eyton; on original mount (in Dr Hocken’s hand: Cap. Bellair’s house at corner of Frederick &…
A montage of early capping parade photographs. The title on the photograph reads "A snap of the procession of students in varied costumes as it passed through the Octagon".
A photograph of the 1910 capping band members. Several of the male students are dressed in women’s clothing while another is dressed as a clown. It was not until 1947 that female students appeared in the capping show.
Eleven male students from Selwyn College holding signs saying "Closed on account of fire" and "No license - a bar to progress". One student has his head through a large sign that has the word "Booth".