Margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken's hand: City of Wellington, New Zealand. W. Richardson lith from a sketch by L. Nattrass. Published for the proprietor at Huggins' Marine Mart 105 Leadenhall St London. Printed by Dean and Munday Threadneedle St…
Lower right (l.r.) with brush: W. Handcock; label: City of Dunedin by W. Handcock, 1864; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: W. Handcock was the first drawing master of the Boys’ High School. His watercolour is very accurate. By the old…
[Dedicated to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley. N.B. The objects immediately over the figures are those indicated]. Clark & C.o. Colonial Booksellers, 20, Fenchurch Street. [31st March 1843].
On mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Church & parsonage at Waikouaiti. Rev J.A. Fenton’s cure. By Mrs Fenton 1860; label: Church and Parsonage at Waikouaiti, the Cure of Rev J. Fenton who was the first Anglican Clergyman in Dunedin. Painted by…
Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: Christmas 1969; verso: To Colin, Anne and Family. Love and greetings from Doris. I look forward to seeing you all in January