On label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Johann Reinhold Forster, L.L.D, F.R.S., F.A.S. 1729-1798. Johann Georg Adam Forster, M.D., 1754-1794. Father & son. Accompanied Cook on his second voyage. Conjointly wrote Observations &c on the voyage & its…
"In the 1960s Wellington's long settled inner suburb of Thorndon was threatened by the proposed construction of a motorway through it. Old houses were pulled down and Wellington's first cemetery was demolished." "When plans for an extension to the…
Through image in ink: Drawn by Thomas Tooi and given to George S. Bull and by him to Wm Greenwood. A New Zealand boat by Tooi; around edges of image vertically in ink: 12 inches. 7 inches.
All inscriptions in Dr Hocken’s hand. through u. image in ink: By T. Tooi; around edges u. image vertically in ink: 6 1/4 inches. 8 inches; through l. image in ink: When Tooi & Teeterree were in England they were very ill and I George Bull, a…
Margin below image in ink: 1. Kauau Pa. 2. Patuha Range. 3. St Maryís School Room. 4. Hotel - Marsland Hill - 5. Clockey Woodís. 6. John Gilmourís store. 7. Yemís Store - Brougham Street. 8. Ryanís store. [ditto marks] 9. W. Blackís and co.…
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: After G.B. Shaw 1851; on original mount in ink (in Dr Hocken’ hand: View of part of Dunedin from Stafford St with the upper harbour November 1851 by Geo B. Shaw copied from the original in the possession of Gilbert…
On mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Port Chalmers in 1851 by G.B. Shaw. T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki; verso in pencil: Port Chalmers 1851. C.B. Shaw.
Margin above image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Key Plan of Smetham’s Picture, London, 1863; margin below picture in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The New Zealand Chiefs in Wesley’s house; margin around picture in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: 1. Mr…