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Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: Taupiri, looking down the River Waikato; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 37.

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: Taupiri, from the coal mines; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 33.

Margin below image in pencil: Pic nic Island - Waikato R; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 29.

Label in iron gall ink: The Colonel does the Waikato; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 25.

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: The Bluff Stockade on the Waikato River; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 21.

Margin below image in iron gall ink: The first glimpse of the Waikato and Queen’s Redoubt lies at the foot of the hills. I do not think a finer view can be seen … [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop…

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: View from Razorback; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 13.

Margin below image in pencil: Martin’s farm; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 9.

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: EAW; l.l. on mount in pencil: 1864; on sketchbook page into which image is slipped in iron gall ink: The Colonel at home. Ö[page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; on sketchbook page r. in…

Margin below image l.c. in iron gall ink: To Tommy Tucker, of Delhi House, Charlton, Kent, the following story is dedicated in affectionate remembrance of the many hours spent in his society by his friend and relative W.D. Timefuze; margin…

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: Camp. Alexander’s farm. Jan.y 20 65

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Bell Block House 15 June 1864; verso: 22

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Bell Block. 15 June 64; u.c. in pencil: Sent home in a letter Shape of mountain on other side; verso: 23

Lower left (l.l.) - lower right (l.r.) in pencil: The beach at Tauranga 26 April 64. Mt Monganui. The Wily Man, the Sailor, the Harrier, Falcon, Esk; verso: 31

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Beach and Sugar Loaves, New Plymouth; verso: 17

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil (a): Auckland Harbor 21 Sep 65 EAW [monogram]; (b) verso in pencil: [sketch of boat & seagulls]

Verso in pencil: [drawing dated:] 10 May; on sketchbook mount: Auckland Harbour

Upper right (u.r.) in ink: 2 Auckland from the “Falcon”; u.r. in pencil: April 64; through image in ink: Hulk with native prisoners. M.t Eden. Fort Britomart. Long Wharf. F.t Britomart; verso in ink: 3678

Lower left (l.l.) - right (r.) in ink: Auckland. 20 April, H.M. Ships Esk and Falcon embark the troops for Tauranga No 1; in pencil: 64

Verso in pencil: Auckland. This is the third attempt I have made at this view from the Domain, a very pretty kind of rough botanical garden of some extent. The large building, the House of Assembly. The Man of War lay in the stream, but the Pier and…

Lower left (l.l.) - right (r.) in pencil: Manukau Heads June 66 EW [monogram]; verso: b

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Sharland’s Taranaki; verso: [unfinished sketch]

Upper left (u.l.) - upper right (u.r.) in ink: A sketch of the Maoris’ position at Maungatautau on the Waikato River; l.l. in ink: the figures are supposed to be 1,000 yards from the main pah [location notes]; verso: [fragment of letter]

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Your Special Correspondent by the sad sea waves, Taranaki, 2 July 1864

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: Whangamarino Redoubt; verso: [letter]
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