"One of the most favourite mysteries presented by the strolling companies in the southern provinces, is "The Spectacle of the Sun and Moon" (Allom, 1842, v II, p. 28).
Lower centre (l.c.) on plate: FA [monogram]; on flypage of sketchbook in ink: Thomas Morland Hocken from Sir William Fox. Sir William Fox who well knew the interest I took in old New Zealand & was a frequent visitor at my house, promised to bequeath…
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: J.T. Thomson 1870; u.r. in pencil: 1; label verso: Scene on the Slate Ranges. A souvenir of the discovery of the Dome Pass & the sources of the Mataura in January 1857 Drummond; in donor’s hand: Journal 15 March 1857…