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Lower right (l.r.) in blue-black ink: D. Lusk 1960; verso: [framing instructions] Mrs Holland

Margin below image l.r. in ink: T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki.

Dessiné par L. Le Breton. Lith.é par P. Blanchard. Lith de Thierry frères Paris. Gide Editeur. Voyage au Pôle Sud et dans l’Océanie. Atlas pittoresque. pl 181 [1846]

Village of Te Ruatitoko in foreground.
Correspondence: 25 September 1923, to Dr James Johnstone, B.A., F.R.C.S., Richmond, England,
Dear Sir,... your letter to Dr Fulton which was printed in the ODT Aug 15 in which you describe the original…

Lower right (l.r.) in ink: T.M. Hocken; Dr Hocken’s collector’s chop: Hoc in Loco Deus Rupes.

Lower right (l.r.) in ink: T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Drawn in 149 by Mr Charles Henry Kettle, the NZ Company’s Surveyor who took charge of the Company’s surveys in February 1846. Details of these are in my Early History of…

Margin below image in ink: T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki; Dr Hocken’s collector’s chop: Hoc in Loco Deus Rupes.

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: R.S. Kelly; on old mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Dunedin 1862, taken from the descent of Graham into McLaggan Street, down which the picture looks. T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki.

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: R.S. Kelly; on old mount: T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The road above the quarry conceals the present road to Canongate St. Beyond is Victoria PArk, to the right of Serpentine Avenue. The solitary…

Lower left (l.l.) on stone: F. Johns; on mount in ink: North East Valley, from View Street 1862; on mount in Dr Hocken’s hand: Dunedin about December 1861 (Taken from View St); label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: In the foreground & running up to…

Lower centre (l.c.) - l.r. in pencil: Tuawaike’s house, Roubouki May 1844; u.c. - u.r. in iron gall ink: 7 Tuawaki’s house Ruabieki May 14 1844; verso: Jacob’s R. NW by W Dist 18 m. Sandy beach all the way. Distant snowy mountains. Rocks.…

Lower centre (l.c.)in pencil: Otago May 1 1844; u.c. in iron gall ink: 5 Otago May 1 1844; verso: [sketch titled] New River

Upper centre (u.c.) - u.r. of b in pencil: Mouth of Otago - from the Settlement May 1/44; u.c. of b in blue-black ink: 9 Entrance to Otago harbour - May 1 1844; verso a in pencil: Entrance to Otago Ap.l 1844

Upper centre (u.c.) in pencil: Upper portion of Port Cooper from hills behind Rapaki. April 1844. Hills over which road might be formed to Great Plain. Gt plain; verso: [94/271]

Lower centre (l.c.) - l.r. in pencil: Mr Tucketts house Nelson Nov 9 1843; u.r. in pencil: 7; l.c. - l.r. in umber ink: Mr Tucketts house Nelson Nov 9 1843; verso in pencil: [unfinished sketch of tree]

Lower right (l.r.) of a in pencil: P.t of Queen Charlottes Sound (E side near bottom); u.r. of a in iron gall ink: Queen Ch…; verso a: [94/243]; l.l. on b in pencil: Ap.l 19 1843; u.l. of b in iron gall ink: …arlottes Sound April 19 1843; u.r. of…

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki; Dr Hocken’s collector’s chop: Hoc in Loco Deus Rupes; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Lieut. Willoughby Shortland, R.N., Drawn for me by his niece from a portrait. Landed…

Lower right (l.r.): Rita Angus.

Margin below image l. - r. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Copied from Parkinson View of the Great Peak &c. For history of this see my copy of Parkinson. It is Mount Egmont taken about 50 miles south & off Cape Egmont. T.M.H.

On mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The pah of Oinamutu on the Rotorua Lake. The carvings in this pah are particularly fine; verso mount in ink: The pah of Oinamutu on the Rotorua Lake. The carvings in this pah are particularly fine.

Through image in ink in Dr Hockenís hand: Key plan to Kettleís picture of Lower Harbour & Port Chalmers. T.M.H. March 23/98 [numerals] 1. Deborah Bay where Mr Tuckettís Deborah anchored in 1844. 2. Alex.r McKayís cot & garden brought from one of…
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