Eagle’s Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. Volume II





Private Collection


Wellington: Te Papa Press


All but one of the plants in Eagle’s Complete Trees and Shrubs are drawn from life and appear life-size, with some parts enlarged. A brief description of each plant’s appearance and habitat is given, alongside the Latin names (family, genus and species), common name, and, where applicable, its Māori nomenclature. Solanum aviculare is a member of the Nightshade family and is commonly known as poroporo or New Zealand nightshade. The leaves contain a steroid, solasodine, which can be used as a contraceptive. The leaves can also be boiled and made into a salve, relieving skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The berries are toxic when green but edible when they ripen to orange.


Cabinet 14 Audrey Eagle illustration.jpg


Audrey Eagle, “Eagle’s Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. Volume II,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 7, 2025, https://ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/8740.