Sumner and its vicinity.

Alternative Title

[Sumner and its vicinity. Lithographed at the British Museum for Dr T.M. Hocken, ca 1903] VIII W. Holmes del. VIII 1851.

Date Created



Hocken Pictorial Collections - 16,928


Label by W. Holmes transcribed in ink by Dr Hocken: I. 1. Rhodes’s farm, Banks Peninsula. 2. A native Pah. 3. Pulao Bay. 4. Castle Eden, 930 tons. 5. Sumner Road. 6. Town of Lyttelton. 7. Port Vict. 8. Quail Island (abounding in good bldg stone) 9. Mountain Path to Christchurch & the Plains. 10. Bridle Path. 11. Distant glimpse of 90 mile beach. 12. P. Ocean. Wm Holmes. II. 1. Isthmus joining BP to the Island. 2. Range of mts with fine wood. 3. Quail Is. 4. Pt Vic. 5. Town L. 6. Bridle Rd. 7. Cemetery. 8. Rd to upper part of town & College Bush from which this sketch was taken. 9. Mr J.G.’s Assoc. Agent. Wm Holmes. N.B. 10. Shag Reef. III. Cross set up on part of Mt Pleasant by the 1st masters. 2. H.W. Russell Esq. 3. London St. 4. Jail (building). 5. J.R. Godley Esq. C. Assoc’s Officer. 6. Lytt Times Off. 7. Temp Ch & Schools. 8. Sumner Rd. 9. Dr Earle’s. 10. Isabella Hercus. 12. Maoris encamping. 13. Temp.y Epis. Palace. 14. Assoc’s store. 15. Pier. 16. Esplanade. 17. Mr Alport’s store. 18. Longden & Le Cren’s store. 19. Lytt. Arms Hotel. 20. Mitre. Major Hornbrook’s. 21. Oxford. 2. Sumner Parade, joining London St. 23. Canterbury St. 24. Bridle Road, joining esplanade. 25. Market (site of the) 26. 27. 28. 29. Em.n Barracks. N.B. Taken from foot of the Bridle Road. W. Holmes. IV. 1. Snowy mts, distant 100 miles. 2. Harewood Forest. 3. Plains. N.B. The lines show the streams with which they abound. 4. Riccarton Wood near which Dean’s Farm lies. 5. Heathcote R. 6. Avon R. 7. The Ferry. 8. P. Ocean. 9. Back of Mt Pleasant Range. 10. The Flats. 11. Road to Chch via Ferry. 12. Bridle Road. 13.Top of the Hills height1300 ft above the sea. W.Holmes. V. a. 1. Banks P. first seen on the eve of Feb 4 1851. 2. Otago Bay. 3. Akaroa Bay. b.1. Fine wood. 2.3. The Knobs. 4. Adderley Head. 5. Pigeon Bay. 6. Levy Bay. 7. Pt Victoria. 8. Godley Head. c. Pigeon bay. Hills finely wooded. d. Levy Bay also finely wooded. Drawn Feb 7 1851, the day we arrived. Wm Holmes. VI. 1. Devil’s Peak. 2. Table Mount. 3. Table cloth. 5. Lion’s Rump. 6. S. George’s Cathedral Church. 7. Cape Town. 8. Table Bay Cape of Good Hope. Wm Holmes. VII. 1. College Wood. 2. 1600 feet high. 3. Direction of Bridle Road. 4. Lyttelton Rectory (Rev. Mr Dudley) 5. J. Townsend Esq. 6. H.W. Russell Esq. 7. Mr McFarlane. 8. Rd to cemetery. 9. London St. 10. Canty St. 11. Mitre. 12. Esplanade. 13. Lytt Arms Hotel. 14. Longden & Le Cren’s store. 15. Mr Alport’s store. 16. Lytt Times Office (Mr Shrimpton’s.) 17. Assn store. 18. Pier. 19. Boathouse. 20. Tempy Epi Palace. 21. Part of Emn Barracks. 22. J.R. Godley Esq. 23. Dr Earle. 24. Sumner Parade. 29. Port Victoria. Wm Holmes. VIII. 1. Bold promontory 2. P. Ocean. 3. The bar at mouth of R. Heathcote. 4. The Heath.e River. 5. Cave in rocks. 6. Cottage rock. 7. Fine Bay. 8. Fine Sandy Beach. 9. Hills. 10. T.L. Compton Esq House & store. 11. Land overgrown with flax. 12. Cliffs composed of igneous & granite rocks, Sumner. 13. Bones of a whale of which there are many in the neighbourhood. Sumner may at no distant period be the watering place of our settlement. Wakefield says that “Lytt & Chch will be made towns but Sumner will make itself” & I am disposed to think so too from the great beauty of the scenery around. Wm Holmes. IX. 1,2, & 3. Cliffs. 4. Snowy Mts. 5 & 6. Sandhills & Flats of N. side of River H. 7. Shag Rock 40 or 50 ft high, great resort of waterfowl. 8. Heathcote R. 9. A fishing & shooting party. 10. Sea walls to be continued to the ferry. X. 1. The Kaikouras … [illeg]. 2. P.O. 3. The Bar. 4 & 5. Sandbanks & flats. 6. Heath. R. 7. Cliffs. 8. Fine … [illeg] mussels. 9. Fine sandy beach. XI. 1. Fine bold promontory. 2. Fine Bay. 3, 4, 5, 6. Sand banks & Rocks. 7 & 8. Flats covered with flax. 9 & 10. Rocks. 11. Mr Days Hotel Sumner. 12. Footway to T.L. Compton Esq.- Suggestions - I propose that my sketches be published in large 8vo. in this style with a little descriptive letterpress to be called Canterbury sketches & sold in a wrapper at a small amount, say 2/- or 2/6 or such a price that the poorest emigrant might afford. This will then afford great benefit both to the Ass.n & the colonist. N.B. To be got up in plain outline. William Holmes, Grammar School- Lyttelton- March 1851. (The above key & the sketches to which they refer, with the exceptions of Nos 5, 6, 9, 10 & 11 which were not sufficiently worth copying, are copies of the originals lent to me by the Rev Prebendary Jackson, 29 Mecklenburg Square, London, a prebendary of S. Paul’s Cathedral London & a son of the Rev. Thos Jackson, Bishop Designate of Lyttelton. Mr Holmes accompanied Bp Des. J. out to Canterbury & was a schoolmaster of the Ass.n I have had the copies lithographed. The Assn got into so much pecuniary difficulty that it was doubtless impossible to comply with Mr Holmes request to have these sketches published. T.M.Hocken, London Dec 15 1903).


262 x 654 mm


lithograph on paper

Temporal Coverage


Dr T.M. Hocken’s Collection.


Dr T.M. Hocken’s Collection.




Holmes, William Howard 1825-1885, “Sumner and its vicinity.,” | OUR Heritage, accessed March 13, 2025,