Oceana, or, England and her colonies




Central G463 FX74 1886



London: Longmans, Green


While resident on Kawau Island for well over 25 years, Governor Sir George Grey (1812-1898) created an island paradise. He introduced species of plants from around the world; animals, including monkeys, zebras, donkeys, and Cape sheep; and he rebuilt what is now Mansion House. There was also his collection of rare books and manuscripts, now part of the Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland City Library. Alfred visited Grey on the island in May 1869, and the old Pro-Consul took the Duke on a wallaby shoot, and no doubt a ride in a trap pulled by zebra. Alfred was a keen philatelist. As they were both collectors, they may well have discussed strategies on collecting. This is an early engraving of Grey’s house and the pier.


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James Anthony Froude, “Oceana, or, England and her colonies,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 11, 2025, https://ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/11378.