‘Dave the Potter’ broadside


c. 2013


Dartmouth Book Arts Workshop





The African and African American Studies (AAAS) Programme at Dartmouth College originated in 1969, making it one of the oldest programs of its kind in the United States. AAAS 82 is a specific course focussing on the work of David Drake, a South Carolinian slave who made some of the largest ceramic storage vessels of this region, signing them and etching sayings and poems onto them as well. Students are encouraged to respond creatively to the content of the course. Jennifer Evans, an international student from Wales, produced her ‘Dave the Potter’ broadside, subtitling it ‘Slavery between Pots and Poems’. During her time at Dartmouth Evans also enrolled in first-year writing, Russian language, and psychology.


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Printed by Jennifer Evans, “‘Dave the Potter’ broadside,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 20, 2025, https://ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/10119.