Browse Items (211 total)

"Of the Muscles of the Foot
The Foot has seven Muscles properly employ'd in its Motions ... "(Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXXIV)
"Of the Muscles of the Great Toe.
The great Toe is moved by its proper Muscles, which we reckon to be six in number…

"Of the Muscles of the Four Lesser Toes.
These (like the Muscles of the Fingers) we shall divide into Common and Proper. The Common Muscles of the Toes are such, as have their Tendons inserted into all the lesser Toes, as the Extensor Digitorum…

"Of the Muscles of the Anus.
Various Accounts are given us by Anatomists of the Muscles of the Anus. Galen divides its Sphincter into two, viz. Carnosus and Cutaneus; which with the two Levatores, make four Muscles belonging to this Part. Riolan…

Label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Admiral Lord Edward Hawke, 1705-1781. First Lord of the Admiralty, after whom Capt Cook named Hawke’s Bay. T.M. Hocken.

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