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American Indians, Carlin Nevada.
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: J.T.T. 1878; on mount in pencil: American Indians, Carlin Nevada. 15 Dec 77
Entrance to Honolulu Harbour. 5 December 1877.
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: J.T.T. 1878; on mount in pencil: Entrance to Honolulu Harbour. Diamond Point in distance. 5 Dec 77
Honolulu, Sandwich Islands.
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: J.T.T. 1878; on mount in pencil: Honolulu, Sandwich Islands 5 Dec 77
Seletars of Singapore.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: Seletars of Singapore
Bugis of Waju, Celebes.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: Bugis of Waju, Celebes; through image in pencil: Bugis of Waju, Celebes
A Mintera of Salangore, Malay Peninsula.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: A Mintera of Salangore, Malay Peninsula; through image in pencil: A Mintera woman Salangore, Malay Peninsula
A Mintera of Salangore, Malay Peninsula.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: A Mintera of Salangore, Malay Peninsula
A Mug of Burma.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: A Mug of Burma
A Papuan of New Guinea.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: A Papuan of New Guinea
A Papuan of Mengeelas, New Guinea.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: A Papuan of Mengeelas, New Guinea; through image in pencil: Allobé of Mengeelas New Guinea
Joseph Pahang.
Below image with brush: Joseph Pahang; in ink: 1848
Malays of the Salat, Malay Peninsula.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: Malays of the Salat, Malay Peninsula. Putih, a female albino, Campar, brother of Putih and Smih, Smih a female albino; in pencil: albino; through image in pencil: Putih, sister of Campar, Campar [……
Arabs of mixed race.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: Arabs of mixed race. Barrahk of Zanzibar, Furham of Zanzibar, Bashier of Muscat; through image in pencil: Barrahk of Zanzibar, Furham of Zanzibar, Bashier Tanzibar …[illeg] Muscat
Malays of the Salat, Malay Peninsula.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1848; on mount in ink: Malays of the Salat, Malay Peninsula
Sabimbas of Johore, Malay Peninsula.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1847: on mount in ink: Sabimba of Johore, Malay
A Sabimba of Johore, Malay Peninsula.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1847: on mount in ink: A Sabimba of Johore, Malay
Hindoo of Co-org, Madras Presidency. J.T.T. del. London Miss. Press.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1847; on stone below image: Hindoo of Co-org, Madras Presidency. J.T.T. del. London Miss. Press
Tags: Image, India, Lithographs, Men in art, Nineteenth century, Portraits, Prints, Still Image, Works of Art
Pariah of Madras Coast.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1847; below image in charcoal: Pariah of Madras Coast.
A Kayan of Banjermassin, Borneo.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1847; on mount in ink: A Kayan of Banjermassin
Water spouts.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Water spouts
A Sumatra.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: A Sumatra; in pencil: 1851
Chinese stonecutters. Plate II.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese stonecutters; through image in ink: Chinese stonecutters Kay Tribe. Plate II 2. 1 2 Chinese stone breakers. Kay Tribe 3 4 5 Tool menders of Kay Tribe 6 7 8 Tool menders of the Aya Tribe 9
Chinese stonecutters. Plate I.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese stonecutters; through image in ink: Chinese stonecutters Kay Tribe. Plate I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Chinese workmen.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese workmen; through image in ink: Carpenters, beating our a piece of iron, carving a small piece of wood, Chinese coolies
Chinese artificers.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1851; on mount in ink: Chinese artificers; through image in ink: planing, chipping, chipping, sawing, sawing, driving home a nail, boring a hole, marking a straight line, sawing a small piece of wood, sawing a large block of…