Lower right (l.r.) in ink: Camp Te Papa, Tauranga 23 April 64 5; verso in ink: My tent has a black patch. The general’s quarters in the left hand house I have nothing to colour with and have done what I could with a steel & quill pen. I hope…
Verso in pencil: Supposed to be taken from Barstow Hall [pencil sketch of house & hills]; in ink: 25; on mount in ink: The cemetery at Auckland; in pencil: Graves of Commodore Burnett H.M.S. Orpheus. Captain Mercer C. Batty 4B de RA
Lower left (l.l.) - lower right (l.r.) in pencil: 8 a.m. a winter’s morning. Buggins’s Clearing - Taranaki. July 1864. Burnt by natives; verso in ink: Ellen J. Burnside; on mount in pencil: This is meant for a view of mount Egmont on a fine…
Left - right in pencil: Fort Robert 28 June 1864. Coast of New Zealand. Taranaki; a. verso: [unfinished pencil sketch] b. verso: [watercolour titled:] Oakura 28 June.
Lower right (l.r.) in ink: Hd. Qur. Camp. N.Z. 14/4/64; verso [two pencil sketches]; in pencil: The Brute, copy; in ink: 75; [pencil & wash drawing] 75