Margin above image in ink: Drawing for mural, Founders Theatre, Hamilton; u.l. - u.r. in pencil: colour notes; margin below image l. in ink: Colours - Dark background overall. Indicated colours will be scribed in fine line; margin below image r. in…
Verso in red ballpoint pen: McC 41; verso in black ballpoint: 44b; on accompanying card in blue felt pen (McCahon’s hand): Colin McCahon, oil on paper. Drawing for “Landscape Theme & Variation” 1962-63. (This side to face the auctioneer.) My…
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Drawing for Dear Wee June McCahon; u.r. in pencil: Dec 27 1945 [Variously inscribed throughout]; on attached paper in pencil: This is from the Port Chalmers Cemetery looking at the Harbour mouth. The final painting was…
Margin below image right in ballpoint pen: Hotere ’69; verso: [pencil drawing of profile scored out in ballpoint pen and second smaller version alongside]; u.l. in ballpoint pen: With love from Warren & Kere.
Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Sub T…asury; u.r. in pencil: Rotten; u.l. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Dr Williams, a candidate for senatorial honours, is aided by his friends Mantell, Strode, Carnegie & the Maoris, - and is pelted with rotten eggs…