Margin below image on stone: This church, which is 80 feet long, 36 feet broad and 40 feet high, has been erected by the voluntary labour of the Maories, under the superintendence of Archdeacon Hadfield and the Rev. H. Williams. The timber for the…
Abraham Ortelius (1527-98), rightly called the 'Father of Modern Cartography', developed the idea of assembling a compendium of maps to form an atlas. The first edition of his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" was published in 1570 and it was a great…
The contents of this pamphlet are far less colourful or exotic than its cover. Although twentieth-century readers expect accurate information, we still like to imagine our voyages as adventures.
Upper left (u.l.) in pencil: 14; through image in pencil: 20s per Bushel; l.c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: In time of some scarcity of food the Rev. Thomas Burns was applied to to sell flour from his farm at Grant’s Braes. (now) He refers…
On sketchbook mount: In the Waimea, West Nelson. Dr Monro's house. 1845; verso on sketchbook mount: Port Underwood. Jacky Guard's house; 1848. Rangiawa's grave. ; on flypage of sketchbook in ink: Thomas Morland Hocken from Sir William Fox. Sir…