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[Working drawing for Black Painting].
Upper left (u.l.) in ballpoint pen, crossed out in red fibre tipped pen: Vin dolorossa XIV; through image in pencil: [colour notes].
Drawing for Black Painting.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Drawing for Black Painting. Hotere … [illeg]17-4-64; l.r. vertically in red fibre tipped pen: Too complex.
Working drawings for Black Paintings. Zero is round, zero is black, zero is zero.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Working drawings for Black Paintings. Hotere ’65; l.c. in pencil: Drawings for black paintings. Zero is round, zero is black, zero is zero; u.c. in pencil: too small - zero is round; l.l. in pencil: crap; l.l. in…
Working drawings for Black Paintings. All is black and there is no black (Suzuki).
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Working drawings for Black Paintings. Hotere ’69; C. in red fibre tipped pen: delete; l.c. in red fibre tipped pen: All is black and there is no black? (Suzuki).
Working drawing for Stations of the Cross.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Working drawing for Stations of the Cross. Hotere; l.c. in ballpoint pen: Jeffrey Harris, 9 Cashmere View Rd, Christchurch; through image: [numerals & colour notes].
Black painting. Violet/red VII.
Verso: [title] Hotere ’69 Brolite lacquer on board 48” x 24” 5.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: Hotere 69; verso mount in ballpoint pen: The Garden Party. P. France 1976; verso mount in fibre tipped pen: Hocken Library.
Black window. 7/10.
Margin below image l. - r. in pencil: 7/10 Black Window Hotere Elam 84; watermark: Arches France.
Black window, Port Chalmers.
Verso with brush in white paint: Hotere, Port Chalmers, 81 Black window.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Hotere 70 70; verso in ballpoint pen: Woman. Ralph Hotere Dunedin 1970; label verso mount: Tinakori Gallery…
Oputai. 25/27.
Made in protest against roading designation on Observation Point, Port Chalmers District Scheme Review, 1989-90.
Drawing for painted glass.
Margin beside image r. in pencil: Drawing for painted glass R.H. 5-73; on image: Introibo ad altare Dei Dominus vobiscum [colour notes].
Te Whiti falling off a horse.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: Te Whiti falling off a horse; l.r. in fibre tipped pen: For Maureen RH 72.
This is a black Union Jack.
Through image with brush: This is a black Union Jack. NZ NZ NZ NZ Banner designed to decorate the H.Q. of the N.Z.R.F.U.
Sangro, a landscape.
Lower right (l.r.): Hotere Avignon ’78; on image: [Maori inscriptions].
Ruia Ruia Opea Opea Tahia Tahia.
Lower right (l.r.): Hotere ’70; u.l. - u.r.: [title].
A drawing of Te Whiti as a young man for James Mack.
Lower right (l.r.) in ink: A drawing of Te Whiti as a young man for James Mack.
Green on black.
Verso in pencil: A14.
Blue on black.
Upper left (u.l.) & l.r. in pencil: 21; verso in pencil: A14.
Red on black.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: 7; verso in pencil: A14.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Hotere ’69.
Tags: Abstract art, Image, Nineteen sixties, Still Image, Works of Art
Drawing 2.
Margin below image l.r. in pencil: Hotere ’69.
Drawing 1.
Margin below image right in ballpoint pen: Hotere ’69; verso: [pencil drawing of profile scored out in ballpoint pen and second smaller version alongside]; u.l. in ballpoint pen: With love from Warren & Kere.
Black painting. Blue/indigo no 5.
Verso with brush: top Black painting, blue/indigo (no 5) Hotere ’69 brolite lacqer 4” x 24"; in chalk: 10 of these. 4.