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Cab 8-0008.jpg

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Cab 4 Alouf.jpg

The Michelin man seems slightly thin by comparison with his modern counterpart, but the insistent endorsement of Michelin products is as modern as any web-page advertising. At this date, the guides had not yet adopted the star rating system and did…

Sheet music of Guy Michell and William Darwin's 'Our glorious dead.' printed message on cover reads 'May be sung without fee or license; mechanical rights reserved This song should be sung on all memorial occasions it is dedicated to our heroes who…

Charles White after Sydney Parkinson (1769-1770) and James Miller

As also, the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard, according to the practice of the most experienc'd gardeners of the present age. Interspers'd with the history of the plants, the characters of each genus, and the names of all the…

S15-623b   Ephemera.jpg

S15-623c   Ephemera.jpg

S15-623a   Ephemera.jpg

Large foam 600x800 Map-0001.jpg

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