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The oriental voyager [title page].
Surgeon James Johnson (1777-1845) was on board the 36 gun ship Caroline, commanded by B. W. Page. Dedicated to Henry Lord Viscount Melville, this work contains a topographical and picturesque sketch of all the places annually visited by the British…
The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo [title page].
Apart from the general interest attaching itself to an Elizabethan translation of the Travels of Marco Polo, the present edition aims at supplying a long-felt want in Polian research - a series of maps embodying the latest work and discoveries of…
Map of Laputa and Luggnag.
The Magistrates of the Town hearing of my Letter, received me as a Publick Minister, they provided me with Carriages and Servants, and bore my Charges to Yedo [Tokyo], where I was admitted to an Audience, and delivered my Letter, which was opened…
Tags: Illustrations, Image, Imaginary places, Japan, Maps, Prints, Still Image, Voyages and travels
A Savage of New Zealand.
Margin below image in ink: 1800.
Tuapeka Gold Rush, Otago 1861.
Lower right (l.r.) with brush: J.T.T. 1879; on mount in pencil: Tuapeka Gold Rush Otago 1861. Sept 1861
Pass of Aden.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1853; on mount in ink: Pass of Aden
Discovery at Deptford.
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: The “Discovery at Deptford”; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The Discovery, convict-ship, lying off Deptford. The vessel which accompanied Captain Cook on his last voyage - 1776-80. From the original, drawn &…
Port Otago (Nouvelle Zélande).
Dessiné par L. LeBreton. Lith. par Sabatier. Imp. par Lemercier à Paris. Gide Editeur. Voyage au Pôle Sud et dans l’Océanie. Atlas pittoresque. pl 180 [1846]
Tags: Astrolabe (Corvette), Astrolabe Expedition, Discovery & exploration, Dwellings, French, Image, Lithographs, Maori (New Zealand people), Otago (N.Z.), Otago Harbour (N.Z.), Planographic prints, Prints, Still Image, Villages, Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels Illustrations, Voyages and travels in art, Whaling, Works of Art
The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo [title page of the first edition].
At the age of seventeen, the Venetian Marco Polo (1254-1324) travelled with his merchant father, Nicolo, and his uncle, Maffeo, to the court of Kublai Khan. Polo was away from Venice for twenty-four years. His account of his travels and of the Peking…
Journal detailing the voyage from England to Melbourne on the 'Tongataboo'
This item includes watercolour illustrations of sights and people on the journey, poetry and newspaper cuttings relating to the building and renovation of First Church, Dunedin.
Mouillage d’Otago (Nouvelle Zélande).
Dessiné par L. Le Breton. Lith.é par P. Blanchard. Lith de Thierry frères Paris. Gide Editeur. Voyage au Pôle Sud et dans l’Océanie. Atlas pittoresque. pl 181 [1846]
Indiae orientalis ... .
Abraham Ortelius (1527-98), rightly called the 'Father of Modern Cartography', developed the idea of assembling a compendium of maps to form an atlas. The first edition of his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" was published in 1570 and it was a great…
A succinct account of the adventures of Mr William Adams.
William Adams (1564-1620) was the first Englishman to reach Japan, arriving on a Dutch ship at Bungo (a principality containing present day Usuki City) in May 1600. After a summons by the Emperor at Osaka, imprisonment and interrogation, he was…